I have been taking photographs all my life.  Starting my family while I was young, I realized early on how precious the time and moments with our loved ones are and was never without my camera.  I love looking back at old images, the times we often remember but the details we easily forget.  Ancestors we have never met, yet share the same features.  The magic of a photo is that in an instant the image takes us right back.

Photographs are the only irreplaceable items that we own that become more valuable as time passes. Children grow, we age, loved ones are lost.

As women we live in a world of not good enough. We are constantly being told to erase wrinkles, lose weight, smooth skin, inject this, use this cream, take this pill, buy this dress, those shoes.

For fifteen years, I have been taking photos of girls and women and their families and no matter how young, old, thin, curvy, unique, and beautiful they are, there is always a measure of insecurity. Something they have to hide. As a woman I understand; as a photographer I will listen.

I specialize in taking photographs of women because I understand your fears, your vulnerability, and your insecurities.  We have them throughout life.  Young girls in middle school, heading into high school struggle with self image.  Women suffering a break up, starting over.  Moms adjusting to their changing bodies after giving birth.  Women celebrating their curves, recent weight loss, cosmetic surgery, or simply taking the path of loving yourself exactly as you are today.

No matter where you are in life, there is never a better time for a portrait than now.  You will never regret having too many photos of yourself, but you may regret not having any.  We never know what tomorrow will bring, so be good enough today.  What a wonderful gift to leave your family, children and grandchildren when you are no longer with them.  Your friends and family love you exactly as you are, at this moment.

Celebrate yourself, celebrate your life.

We are all unique, beautiful, and one of a kind.  There will never be another just like you.

I invite you to book a session with me.  I promise, I will listen to your fears, guide you every step of the way and help you see the beautiful light that is inside you.  I know what beautiful looks like.  I can see it and I can capture it.  It starts with hair and make up and somewhere along the way everything changes.  You will begin to reconnect with the part of you that is always quietly whispering to you, reminding you of who you are.

The photo shoot experience is a gift in itself that will result in timeless photographs that will be treasured by you and your family for generations.



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